The Power of View Transitions

by Alberto Ramos
3 min
The Power of View Transitions

What are the View Transitions?

I know. You have spent the last minutes navigating my portfolio and my blog, and you are wondering: “What are those seamless page transition animations?”
Well, they are called “View Transitions” they are so easy to implement!

How it works?

Astro provides a component that can be added to the head of our page or its layout, and it will control how the page navigation looks. Of course it is customizable.
Even though the default animation (the one I am using for this website) is already very elegant, especially in SPAs (single page applications).
Here a basic example of the component using his default behaviour:

import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions';
<html lang="en">
    <title>My Homepage</title>
    <ViewTransitions />
    <h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>

Naming transitions

By providing a name to the transition, we can also link two elements that are shared between pages to create some news animations.

Look at those items in different pages:

<MyVideo controls="" autoplay="" transition:name="media-play" transition:persist />

<Video controls="" autoplay="" transition:name="media-play" transition:persist />


The animations that are currently supported are: fade, slide and initial, and we can add additional values, such as duration so we can combine them easily to create a fully animated website.

import { fade } from 'astro:transitions';

<header transition:animate={fade({ duration: '0.4s' })}>


As you can see with very few lines of code, we can create a very dynamic website that will please all of our users.
I wish we could use those view transition in more JS frameworks, hopefully soon!
Check the official documentation of Astro for more information.